Extension du domaine de la lutte

and C goes in for golf.
Different paths for different lives.
So, although the first meeting
is mapped out,

there is always, alas,
a margin of uncertainty.
Your vanishing act
wasn't appreciated

by the Agriculture Ministry.
Our Hero had done wrong.
We're at our clients' service.
In our business,
second chances are rare.

The only excuse I could find
was that my car had been stolen.
I said I was traumatized,
but I would fight it.
Your car?
A German anti-historical philosopher
died in 1860
believing the universe
looks like an aimless game

but is really, in itself,
absolute free will.

The concepts he laid down
could still be seen in modern life,
but in such altered form
that they barely seemed valid.
Supermarket Logic had the effect
of splintering desire.
Supermarket Man became unable
to have just one desire.
