Extension du domaine de la lutte

The water seems colder,
more and more bitter.

I'm not so young.
I'll die one day.
But I keep going
and remember
how I entered the struggle.
So sorry! One more tiny detail,
and I'm with you. Two minutes!
Of the meeting,
Our Hero remembered little.
Nothing concrete was decided
until 15 minutes before lunch,
when a training tour of the regions
was agreed upon.

He never assimilated
the Merise method.

He's been sidelined.
I had no lust for Ms. Lechardoy.
But I admired her courage.
That hole in her crotch
must feel so useless.

You can always cut off a prick,
but how to forget an empty vagina?
The situation seemed desperate.
What should I do?
I quite agree.
They still print paper phone books!
Ask her to step out
and fuck in an office?
On the desk, the floor, wherever.
I felt up to making the moves...
but I stayed silent.
We'll have to harmonize
our working methods

in the coming weeks.
Anyway, she'd have refused.
Or else I'd have had to embrace her,
tell her she's beautiful,
