Extension du domaine de la lutte

All things considered,
as Schopenhauer said,
I didn't do too badly.
Rather absurdly,
I spent the weekend in Rouen.

Tisserand was surprised.
I told him I wanted to sightsee,
I had nothing to do in Paris.
But it wasn't to sightsee.
Yet there are medieval remains
and some nice old houses in Rouen.
At one point in history,
motion was studied as an art form.
It flourished for several years,
producing some shots in films
which confirmed

its value as Art.
Then it disappeared,
apparently forever.
What was lef to fit?
A few traces,
mainly in films
by veterans of the silent era...

bits of experimental films,
science documentaries,
even B-movies.
The scenes were easy to spot.
Dialogue was ruled out.
Even music would have seemed
a bit kitsch,

a bit heavy,
a bit vulgar.
