Eyes Wide Shut

Thank you.
Come in.
Marion. . . .
Oh, Dr. Harford. . . .
How good of you to come.
l came as soon as l got the message.
Thank you.
-l' m so sorry.
-Thank you.

Your father was. . . .
He was a very brave man.
Oh, thank you.
How are you holding up?
l' m a bit numb.
l don't think it's really sunk in yet.
Would you like to sit down?
lt's so unreal.
Daddy had such a good day.
His mind was clear,
and he remembered so many things.

Then he had a little dinner. . .
. . .and he said he felt like
taking a nap.

l went into the kitchen and talked
to Rosa for half an hour at most. . .

. . .and when l went to see how he was. . .
. . .l just thought he was asleep.
