Eyes Wide Shut

-Dr. Harford, good evening.
-Good evening, Carl.

Thank you very much
for coming over here tonight.

-lt's the least l could do.
-lt means a lot to us.

Thank you.
l was actually on my way out.
Marion. . .
. . .your father was very proud of you. . .
. . .and l know you gave him
great comfort these last months.

Thank you.
l'll show you out.
Good night.
Listen to this.
She had a red rose in her mouth.

She was doing a Mexican lap dance
right in my face.

l' m serious!
l got scars on the back of my neck.

What team's this switch hitter
playing for?

-Looks like the pink team.
-Look at this faggot!

Hey, watch it, you faggot!
Merry Christmas, Mary!
-Your butt-brothers are back there!
-Prime cut of meat!

You want to take a ride in this
fudge-tunnel, you stupid faggot?

You should have tits,
you' re standing so close!
