Fight Club

Orwhen a volcanic blast
and debris that used to beyour
furniture and personal effects

blows out ofyour
floor-to-ceiling windows

and sails flaming
into the night.

[Helicopter Circling]
I suppose
these things happen.

There's nothing up there.
You can't go
into the unit.

Police orders.
Doyou have somebody
you can call?

Narrator: How embarrassing.
A house full ofcondiments
and no food.

The police would
later tell me

that the pilot light
might have gone out,

letting outjust
a little bit ofgas.

That gas could have
slowly fi lled the condo--

1 ,700 square feet
ofhigh ceilings

for days and days.
Then the refrigerator's
compressor could've clicked on.

[Telephone Ringing]
Marla: Yeah?
I can hearyou
breathing, you--

Ifyou asked me now,
I couldn't tell you
why I called him.

[Telephone Ringing
On Other End]
