Fight Club

over theyelling...
or the wet choke when
someone caught their breath

and sprayed...
You weren't alive anywhere
likeyou were there.

But Fight Club
only exists

in the hours between
when Fight Club starts

and when Fight Club ends.
Even ifI could tell someone
they had a good fight,

I wouldn't be talking
to the same man.

Whoyou were
in Fight Club

is not whoyou were
in the rest ofthe world.

The guywho came to Fight Club
for the fi rst time,

his ass
was a wad ofcookie dough.

After a few weeks,
he was carved
out ofwood.

Ifyou could fight
any celebrity,

who would you fight?
Alive or dead?
It doesn't matter.
Who'd be tough?

I'd fight
William Shatner.

Narrator: We all started
seeing things differently.

Everywhere we went,
we were sizing things up.
I felt sorry for guys
packed into gyms,

trying to look like
how Calvin Klein

orTommy Hilfiger
said they should.

Is that what a man
looks like?

Ahh. Self-improvement
is masturbation.

And self-destruction.
Excuse me.
Kick his ass!
Hit him again, man!
Come on! Hit him!

Fight Club wasn't about
winning or losing.

It wasn't about words.
