For Love of the Game

You taught me something.i
You taught me how to believe again.
How good things can happen,
and that they will happen.u

But now you need to let me teach you
something about what I know.

About how sometimes life seems
like it's slamming you down...

...but it's really giving you a gift.g
I had a baby when I was 16.
That could have wrecked me, but it didn't.d
Instead it was the best thing
that ever happened to me.i

You mean if life gives you lemons,
you make lemonade?

You are such an asshole.e
If you're telling me I'm not ever gonna hold
that ball again....

I can't.t
Haven't you ever loved
anything that much?

I'll call the airlines.g
See what kind of flights I can make.
You do that.a
-Something happen to Chapel?

Frank Perry is on the steps of the dugout...
...and apparently
he didn't like what he saw.

Give me the ball.i
What are you.... Give me the ball!
Stay there..
