For Love of the Game

This I ain't seen much of.
Me neither.v
I never have.i
What's the matter?
I don't know if I have anything left..
You just throw whatever you've got.
Whatever's left.

The boys are all here for you..
We'll back you up. We'll be there.
'Cause, Billy...s
...we don't stink right now.t
We're the best team in baseball right now,
right this minute, 'cause of you.

You're the reason.i
We're not gonna screw that up.
We're gonna be awesome for you.

Just throw..
All right? Come on.e
Billy Chapel has retired
21 consecutive batters...

...striking out eight.s
And as the Fates would have it...o
:31:35 of his closest friends
and a former teammate, Davis Birch...

...will try to snatch the diamond
away from him...r

...leading off in the bottom
of the eighth inning.D

Ball one, and now the question, of course...
:31:52 much petrol has Billy Chapel
got in the tank?

Remember, it wasjust two innings ago...s
...that he started to hurt,
the arm tightened up.
