Forces of Nature

- Can I have some ?
- Atta girl.

You sure you
don't want, Ben ?

No, that's okay. l had some peyote
for lunch, so l'm all set.

He's getting married. Don't forget.
He has to be responsible.

Not necessarily.
You know, look at the Fitzgeralds.

F. Scott and Zelda,
crazy, married couple.

They drove a--
Had to know about that.
- Whoa ! Hey !
- Sorry. Sorry.

- [ Tires Screeching ]
- Oh, shit !

[ All Chattering ]
- [ Siren Wailing ]
- Uh, what's that ?

- Do you hear that ?
- What's what ?

[ Siren Wailing ]
Hi, honey. How are the bridesmaids'
dresses comin' out ?

Good. No, everything's tine.
l just got a little bit delayed.

Car trouble,
in a manner of speaking.

But l'm fine.
Everything's gonna be okay.

Yes, l know.
WelI, l love you too.

Well, hoo-hoochie,
l love you so much.

Baby, no, because l love you more.
l love you more--

- [ Fence Rattles ]
- Honey, l can't do this right now.

[ Door Closes ]
- l'm gonna miss my wedding.
- Oh, relax, Benjie.

lt's a simple drug bust.
lt's not like we kiIled anybody.

This may be an everyday event in your
life, but speaking as a non-felon--

l'm on a bit of
a time crunch here, too, okay ?

lf l don't make it down to Savannah by
Saturday morning, l lose 25,000 bucks.

Are you on Dig For Dollars ?
You told me you were going to
visit your brother and nephew.

- Yeah, l know.
- [ Key Jingling ]

Okay, kids.
Here's the situation.

Vic DeFranco was driving
with an expired license.

Plus he's got three priors
tor possession and selling.

And there was ten ounces in the vehicle
that he admits is his.

Did anybody else know
there were drugs in the car ?

-No, sir. ln fact, l just met this man--
-You can't--

You can't ask us these questions
without an attorney present.

You haven't advised us
of our rights.
