Forces of Nature

You gotta have heart
[ Man ] Please, ma'am,
l need your signature, ma'am.

[ Virginia ]
Signature ? For what ?

Look at this.
lt says "'damaged. " Do you see ?

- Can you read, young man ?
D-A-M-A-G-E-D, damaged.
- Damaged.

We're very proud ot Ben.
lf he's late, believe you me,
he has a good reason.

What l don't understand is how,
in this day and age...

ot A.T.M.'s and cell phones
and the lnternet...

and Voyager Two,
could it take two days--
two days--

to get from New York
to Savannah.

Oh, don't drink
out of the bottle, darling.

Thank you.
We are really
very proud ot him.

This is ridiculous.
l'll put an end to this
right now.

Pretending to be a doctor, listening to
my parents' advice on my personal lite.

Sarah ? Sarah ?
[ Bridget ] And where's my lousy
maid of honor ? Where's Debbie ?

Huh ?
Can l not at least have that ?

Who's supposed to be pouring me
drinks while l'm being stood up
by the so-called groom ?

Answer me that.
Thank you.

Honey, he'll be here.
lt's all gonna work out.

lt's true, Bridge.
Husband and wife, that is something.

lt must be nice to see your parents
back together, though.

Yeah, talk about
a match made in hell.

What do you mean,
""back together ?''

What do you mean
you're separated ?

Oh, honey, baby,
sugar lump,

it means your tather
has an apartment he stays in...

- when you're not here.
- l'm never here.

l stay there a lot.
When were you
going to tell me ?

Honey, we didn't want to
spoil your wedding.

This is your special time.
WelI, it would have been.

