Foreign Correspondents

What has Monsieur Krug to do with it?
Remember my description
of the man in the mill?

You mean the sweater. Of course.
That's impossible.
We've known Monsieur Krug...

Krug brought Van Meer here last night.
He's in England. They're hiding him.

- You're positive?
- Of course.

I was as close to Krug as I am to you now.
It'd be terrible if we made a mistake.
But we can't allow him to...

Leave it to me.
I don't want to be inhospitable,
but leave my house.

Mr. Haverstock will suggest
that I turn you over to the police.

Mr. Haverstock seems to be
something of a troublemaker.

You said he'd been taken care of
by our agents in Amsterdam.

I thought so, too. I don't understand it.
Unless, perhaps,
Miss Fisher's being with him...

may have caused complications.
It would've been ideal
if she'd been in our confidences.

- Please leave my daughter out of it.
- I beg your pardon.

Most unfortunate, his coming here.
I've never had to cope with this
sort of thing before, thanks to you, Krug.

Someone has to take care
of the sordid details.

This is close to home.
In fact, it is my home.

After all, I'm only a politician. In a sense.
And politicians aren't usually
called upon to...

do away with their guests, are they?
Quiet, boy.
Not in the house. No, sir.
But I have an idea.
- Do you remember Rowley?
- Rowley?

Yes. The little man that used to work
at your father's stables in Austria.

I seem to recall he was present
when a mutual friend of ours...

accidentally fell off
the high bridge at Bern.

He's retired now.
Lives somewhere in Clapham,
here in London.

If Mr. Haverstock could be induced...
to hire him in the capacity
of a private detective.

What for?
You should warn him
that it's very dangerous for him...

to go about London
with the knowledge that he has.

Yes, I see.
You use the English language
with great delicacy.
