Fortress 2

Torch the place.
Destroy the evidence.

Go, go, go!
I'm picking him up now.
Prisoner number 27609.
Brennick, John W.
You are charged with sedition,
sabotage, escape...

and aiding and a betting the fugitive
identified as Brennick, Karen.

You are also charged
with secondary reproduction...

and the unlaw ful possession
of Men-Tel property...

consisting of male offspring
identified as Brennick, Daniel.

- How do you plead?
- Does it make any difference?

Your query is
an acknowledgement of guilt.

The minimum sentence is death.
Adjudication complete.
Prepare for implantation.
Prisoner number 27609.
Brennick, John W.

You'll now be equipped with the Men-Tel
Corporation's new neural implant.

The implant is designed for
behavior modification and control.

Activation is
a discretionary function.

Implantation complete.
Testing behavior modification.

Look at the light.
Slight pain? Thank you.
