Fortress 2

Prisoner number 27609.
Brennick, John W.

Orientation is now complete.
Failure to observe
any rule or regulation...

of the Men-Tel correctional code...
will result
in behavior modification.

Please exit
through the open doorway...

and have a nice day.
- Let's go.
- Where the fuck are we?

Shutyour hole. Move on out.
- What the hell--
- Get used to it.

Take a bedroll and move out.
Are you out of your mind,
bringing Brennick there?

Susan. How nice to hear from you
after all this time.

Daddy all right?
Fuck Daddy.
Why on Earth would you wanna bring
the only man ever to escape...

from a Men-Tel prison
to my power station?

Is that what we're calling it
these days?

Listen carefully.
If it hadn't been
for your father and me...

Brennick's escape
would have cost you your career.

If any thing goes wrong this time...
it won't just beyour job;
it'll be your ass.

The new prisoners...
have completed their orientation,
Mr. Teller.

Laborers, ZED. Laborers.
