Girl, Interrupted

- Did you enjoy the fresh air?
- Yeah, thanks.

Good. Because it's the last time
you're leaving the ward.

Is that a dare or a double dare?
Okay, raise your arms. Very good.
We're going to be trees.

Feel the strength in your arms
as the branches.

And reach those branches up to the sky.
Come on, Susanna, reach.
Very good!

Lisa, all right.
Reach your arms, girls.
Reach. Really lift.

Feel the stretch through the hip.
Very good.
Let your arms be branches.

There's strength in those branches.
Reach, reach all the way up
into the sky. Very good.

Let the wind blow the leaves
and let your fingers be the leaves.

Good, M-G, very good.
Feel the wind.

Good. Good, Lisa.
Very good.
Just lift up. Lift up.
Very good, girls.

Now feel your feet.
Feel your feet be rooted.

Go down into a plie.
Very good.

Good, girls. Polly, very good.
Now stretch it. The wind's blowing
really hard this way.

That is not fair.
That is not fair!

That is not fair!
Seventy-four is the perfect weight!
Good luck, crazy bitch.
What kind of tree can you be
down there on the floor?

I'm a fucking shrub, all right?
