Grey Owl

Okay. I know.
I don't like it either.

I can't stay here.
They didn't do any harm.
I should head north,
find some real wilderness again.
- I have to go.
- You keep saying "I."

"I can't stay. I have to go. "
You saw them.
Strolling in here
as if they owned the place.

If you don't want attention,
why write a book?

If you want to be yourself,
why dye your hair?

You know?
Of course I know.
You walk back in the cabin
with your hair like that,

how can I not know?
All right.
So I'm a fake.
Oh, Archie.
I don't care
if you're going grey.

I don't care if you dye your hair
red, white and blue.

I love you because of
what you are...

and because you're proud
of what you are.

Don't you know that by now?
