House on Haunted Hill

Where's our host, the fabuIous Mr. Price?
Fuck him.
What in the name of Christ is that?

It must be more
of Price's spook-house bogeyman buIIshit.

...that's aIways been there.
Back when this was an asyIum...

...Dr. Vannacutt found it inspirationaI.
It's from the MiddIe Ages or something.
Driving Demons from the Mind.
Kind of scared me as a kid.
...doesn't reaIIy scare me that much now.
It's touching.
-Are you going to come in?
-No, I'm good.

Mr. Price? Mrs. Price?
...Price person?
I don't think anybody's here.
So maybe it was ghosts.
I knew this whoIe pIace
wouId be pure goId.

If I can just get something bizarre enough
on tape...

...I think I can parIay it
into getting myseIf some sort of a...

...Wackiest Home Videos gig.
You got your own TV show?
Had, sweetie. Past tense.
CurrentIy Iooking for the right angIe
to either earn or fuck my way back in.

Looks Iike someone's traiIer park
is showing.

I wouIdn't worry.
I'm sure by the end of the night...

...we'II be hacked into pieces
by something or...

Who the fuck are aII of you?
