House on Haunted Hill

Now that's ''enter-fucking-tainment''!
This ain't moving, man.
Is this your idea of a joke?
Pritchett's not Iaughing.
Open! Open!
Open, you stupid, asshoIe bitch!
What's going on?
What's going on?
-What happened here?

What is that?
It's a machine from the oId asyIum.
It seaIs everything shut.

It's how they burned to death in '31 .
Dr. Vannacutt threw the switch.

If he was going to die,
they're aII going to die.

WeII, no wonder they're stiII pissed off.
Let's go to the other room
and I'II take care of your hands.

The onIy ones that survived were five
of the sadists on Vannacutt's staff.

Why hasn't that machine been disabIed?
It was on my dad's to-do Iist,
but the house did him first.

You said that was an accident.
I Iied. The house is aIive.
We're aII going to die.

Why doesn't one of us caII out for heIp?
There aren't any working phones
in the house.

I've got my ceII phone.
That won't do any good.
It's the metaI pIates.
It's not the pIates.
It's the house!
Why is no one Iistening to me?

Did you just turn deaf aII of a sudden?
