Jakob the Liar

What are you laughing at?
Forgive me, but...
...I just heard good news.
Go, go!
You'll get shot.
-You have a radio?
-Who said that?

-You said that.
-No, I didn't.

-What have we been talking about?
-Shut up!

You sneaky bastard!
You had a radio all this time!
I can't believe it!

I have no radio. I just said that
to keep you from getting shot.

Nobody'd say that if he didn't.
Do you realize the penalty
for having a radio is death?

I was Iying!
If you had one and didn't
want anyone to know...

...the best way would be
to say you had one...

...because no one owning a radio
would be stupid enough to admit it.

They'd leave you alone,
which means...

-What does it mean, Jakob?
-I don't know.

It means you've got a radio.
I don't have a radio.
I understand.
Go, go.
Don't worry, Jakob.
You can trust me.

I'll keep it under my hat.
You better.
Because if you don't...
...you better start the Kaddish now,
because I'm a dead man.


I'm going to start training again.
Tell your new manager.
