
What are you doing
waiting for the bus?

-Don't ask.
-What happened to your friends?

l don't want to talk about it, Zach.
Well, can l give you a lift?
-Cool car.

You shined today.
You've got the look, the walk.

But popularity is fleeting.
Trends change. lt's all about details.

Pay attention to details.
Look at my nails.

ln junior high, l wore only pink.
Now it makes me puke. So l change.

Demented. Seriously,
the colour's called Demented.

Mine? Decayed.
Like Julie. Our friendship
with her is decayed.

-Julie is over.
-Done and void.

-ln two weeks, no one will know her.
-lncluding you.

-From now on, you don't know her.
-Never knew her.

She's like Fern Mayo.
A bad dream.

Get it?
Well, thanks for the lift.
lt's no problem.
So do you wanna, maybe,
call me sometime?

l would love to.
Well, bye.
