Juyuso seubgyuksageun

What the fuck is this?
I was bit bored and I thought
maybe a fight wouId be fun.

A fight? Groovy!
ReaIIy think so? Start!
Start. start.
I can't do this!
- Why?

He fights dirty, man.
Few days ago, some bastard
try to mess with me and I..

He even rammed a stick
into a guys stomach once.

I can't do it!
Fucking shit
- Pinch for him.

I win, his your boss,
you win, his your sucker.

He aIready is.
Oh, shut up!
Whimpy bastard.
You are his boss
Did I make them Iose? Shit!
Do whatever you Iike asshoIes!
Hey you! Don't even ask how much?
FiII it up! HeIIo...What?
Who do you think keeps
the team out of the Iast pIace?

TeII them!
Not to find me.
Fucking sissies
