La Ley de Herodes

And since then, they haven't
given us anything.

I thought maybe they'd sent
something with you.

I'm not hungry.
You're not going to solve
anything this way, Juan.

We have to think something.
You can't go back
to the garbage dump.

Without money
I can't do anything.

Go and see licenciado Lopez
first thing tomorrow.

Tell him about
the problems...

...and ask him for
a larger budget.

But he told me he didn't
want any problems.

But he didn't tell you where
he was sending us either.

Go see him, play the martyr.
Take him a present,
that always works.

I know just what
to give him.

In conclusion, president
Miguel Aleman declared...

:28:02 the workers and peasant's
sectors that this devaluation...

...was painful but necessary,
and insisted that by facing...

...our problems, we guarantee
a bright future for everyone.

No doubt there are people who
knows how to do things well.

How can I tell licenciado Lopez
I can't do the job?

I'm sticking out my neck.
I'd rather be in your shoes.
Eat and sleep, sleep and eat.
Eat and sleep.

That's life.
Fuck it.
