La Ley de Herodes

Thank you for calling.
Fucking shitty party!
What happened, licenciado?
Terrazas got the nomination
in the capital!

Now we're fucked!
If Dr. Morales wasn't
in trouble with the law...

...he wouldn't be living
in a shitty village like this.

No, licenciado.
Do you believe that
about the girls?

Six girls have
denounced him.

But he seemed so decent
and educated, I never thought...

The PAN members are
just hypocrites.

Forgive the intrusion,
but we've caught a suspect.

You better confess, Filemon!
I swear on my mother,
I didn't do anything, boss!

I swear somebody
put me those shoes.

Don't write that, Pek.
I think you need something
to help you remember.

Go inside and see if
you can find a bottle, Pek.

Confess and I'll pay
you well, Filemon.

Confess, asshole!
Yes, yes!
I did it!
What happened, licenciado?
- Nothing, nothing.
- What's going on, Juan?

Nothing, honey.
Go back inside.

Write it down, he confessed.
On thursday morning,
around seven o'clock...

...Dr. Morales sent for him...
...and offered him...
...twenty pesos...
