Liberty Heights

You know them.
Maybe you could ask around.

What does she look like?
She's gorgeous. Blond.
She looked like Cinderella.

She dressed like Cinderella.
She had a magic wand and everything.

Cinderella didn't have a magic wand.
It's not important if Cinderella
had a wand. This girl had one.

Help me find this girl
with the magic wand.

She's gorgeous, blond
and carries a magic wand.

I'm Ben. I'm in your homeroom.
I know.
Where are you going?
I thought you lived around school.

Downtown. I'm going downtown.
Can I ask you a question?
I guess.
I always watch you say the 23rd Psalm,
and you seem so...

:32:46 seem so absorbed.
Why do you ask?
I've never seen someone
so reverential, I guess.

For me, it's just a moment to myself,
that's all.

The big question is you.
