Liberty Heights

- I'm supposed to kill him?
- Too late for that.

- What does that mean?
- I can get you off this charge.

Nothing to it. But not the FBI.
They're gonna charge you
with a violation of the Mann Act.

What? What kind of a crazy charge
is that? What is the Mann Act?

Transportation across state lines for
illegal sexual activity. Prostitution.

Where'd they come up with that?
How many girls do you bring
into the state for shows?

Who can count?
Any one of those girls involved
in prostitution?

Who in the hell knows? They could be.
I don't know what they do.

They get one of them to testify,
one, and it's goodbye.

Do they?
They've obviously got someone.
Over the years, in my business,
you watch enough shows, you learn.

A good performer knows
when to get off the stage.

What are you thinking?
I don't know.
I don't know yet.
All right, boys, stand together.
You look like a hood.

Stand up. Stand together.
Come on, pull yourselves together.
Like you know each other.
- We are so proud of you.
- Thank you, Dad.

What do you say we get something
to eat? You wanna go out to eat?

It's your day. You pick it.
Don't make me do that.
Why don't we take a drive
in the country?

First place we get to, we'll stop.
That's where we'll eat.
