Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels

Golf - the best way
to spoil a good walk.

Winston Churchill said that.
I say it's a dog-eat-dog world.
And I got
bigger teeth than you two.

I think our friend is trying
to tell us something.

Or should I take
another swing to make sure?

Give me a five iron, John.
Certainly, Dog.
Now, keep still.
Is there something
you'd like to tell us?

- The fireplace.
- Shut it, you idiot...

You were saying?
It's in the fireplace.
Pull it out. It's in the bottom.

It's in the fireplace, Frank.
Pull it out.

It's in the bottom.
Dog, I think you want
to have a look at this!

You gonna let me down now?
No, I'm not
finished with you yet.

Help! Help!
Oh, Dog.
Who the hell's that?
It's only 12 o'clock.

Use the cage,
that's what it's there for.

Who is it?
We have got security
for a reason, Willie.

Chill, Winston. It's only Plank.
This weed's getting
quite a rep, fellas.

