Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels

There's a gate they never lock.
What d'you mean never lock?
Why've they got it, then?

I must've been there 50 times -
it's never locked.

They're not suspicious. Everyone
that goes there's a toff.

They're into that karma crap -
"l don't harm nobody,
nobody harms me."

No way they can get back to you?
They'd be too scared -
I'm a geezer.

Got no muscle - gutless faggots.
Fancy one?
Why all the flapping?
You told the old man yet?

Hoping I won't need to.
I've got a plan.
Listen carefully.

- Hello, boys.
- Harry.

Do you want a drink?
Hello, my son.
D'you want a lolly?

Piss off, you nonce.
Oi, watch it!
No, thanks, Harry.
We're both all right.

Nice shooter.
One of a pair -
Holland and Holland.

D'you wanna hold it?
Not my thing, thanks, Harry.
Business good?
I imagine that's why I'm here.

Four young fellas got in deeper
than they could handle.

They owe me
half a million pound.

- How much?
- Half a million.

I'm game.
Me too.
Oh, God!
Right. We hit 'em
as soon as they come back.

We'll be prepared. Waiting.
And they're armed.
What was that? Armed?
What d'you mean armed?
Armed with what?

Bad breath, colourful language,
feather duster?

What do you think
they'll be armed with?

Guns, you tit!
You never said
anything about guns.

A minute ago this was
the safest job in the world.

Now it's turning into
a bad day in Bosnia!

Soap, stop being such a mincer.
