Mein liebster Feind - Klaus Kinski

It seemed to me like a metaphor
for our turbulent relationship.

If you want someone to be
agitated, let him be agitated!

- Fucking shoot! Let's shoot this shit!
- The camera won't roll now.

It's an insult!
You have to beg me,

...even David Lean did that
and Brecht too.

- You will do it as well, my dear!
- I will not. - We shall see!

- I will not do it.
- We shall see!

I couldn't care less what
Brecht and David Lean did.

What was the reason for
inflicting this on myself?

At age 15, I had seen Kinski
in the anti-war film:

"Children, Mothers and a General."
He plays a lieutenant who
leads schoolboys to the front.

Maximilian Schell also
plays a small part.

He falls in love
and wants to desert.

Kinski will have him shot for
that the next morning.

Don't be afraid.
I haven't seen a girl in 3 years.

Hey, you! Go away!
That bastard.
Are you coming?
I shall wait outside, o.k.?

Do me this favor, please.
The mothers of the boys and the
soldiers go to sleep for a few hours.

Kinski is awakened at daybreak,
and the way he wakes up...

...will forever stay in my memory.
Yes, we have to leave.
This one moment, repeated here,
impressed me so profoundly...

...that later, it was a decisive
factor in my professional life.
