Message in a Bottle

To be somebody's ''true north''?
Are you kidding?
LoneIy women, particuIarIy?
Is that how you see me?
Did you taIk to anybody on your trip?
TeII any jokes?

I had a good time.
Came back a day earIy.
I happen to Iike my job.
You're in deniaI.
You shouId be writing.

You better hope I stick to research.
I don't think you can
do your coIumn without me.

Ever notice that most peopIe here refer
to me as Mr. Toschi, out of respect?

I knew you before
your teeth were capped.

I knew you when your step was swift
and your heart was high.

AI Giddons, ''Lakefront Winter. ''
Harcourt-Brace, 1 948.

Thought I made that up.
Hey, Jase! How are you?
Hi, Lina.
No, sorry.
I just was expecting him to caII.
No, I'm not worried. I just miss him.
I know.
No, I just got it. Why?
I can't beIieve he did this.
I can't beIieve it!
-Why are you so annoyed?
-It's wrong to print it.

It's private.
It's somebody's intimate thoughts.

It's not your Ietter!
I know it's not my Ietter.
I found it.

Is this personaI?
Is that why you're pissed off?

I'm not pissed off! I'm just. . .
