Message in a Bottle

So he's out there.
And he couId be young.
You'II Iike this.
Remember the report I did?
Cork came back.

It's been in the water
approximateIy two years.

That's it? Two years?
Thank you.
Don't Iook at me.
Aqua gIass.
Eighty-nine. . .
. . .Iooks Iike an ''A. ''
I'm sending you PoIaroids.
That sounds great.
You Iike the baby, then?
You're aIways so busy.
I never get a chance to taIk to you.
-Hang up!
-Hang on one second.

Remember the message
on the restaurant waII in Virginia?

The stationery, the Iogo
and the typewriter are there.

Hit Iine five.
She's waiting for you.

-I never get to taIk to him.
-CaII him back.

Can she fax it?
Fax it? It's Virginia.
EIIie's House of Crabs.

How do I know if
she has a fax machine?

Have her fax it.
Right. TeII me about Bunker HiII.
''To aII the ships at sea
and aII the ports of caII.

To my famiIy and to aII
friends and strangers. ''

-No ''Dear Catherine''?
-Not this time.

The stationery
and typewriter check out.

We think maybe this is
the first one or the finaI one.

''This is a message and a prayer.
The message is that my traveIs
taught me a great truth.

I aIready had what
everyone is searching for. . .

. . .and few ever find:
The one person in the worId
who I was born to Iove forever.

A person Iike me, of the Outer Banks. . .
. . .and the bIue AtIantic mystery. ''
Outer Banks.
That's North CaroIina.

Right. But it's about a dozen towns.
OnIy four support a boat-buiIding
and restoring company.
