Message in a Bottle

And a thief who wants
to be a shipwright.

Now don't start any shit, Johnny.
A thief is somebody who keeps
property beIongs to somebody eIse.

Am I right?
You ain't right if the courts say
you ain't right, right?

Loudmouth asshoIe.
What'd you say?
How'd you know I was taIking
to you, Johnny?

I'm caIIing Pete right now.
You two bust up this pIace again
and charges wiII be pressed. . .

. . .arrests wiII be made,
and I ain't bIuffing!

Man who's a thief
deserves to be in jaiI.

I never took a damn thing from you
or anybody in this town.

-I say different.
-You're a Iiar, Johnny.

Don't ever caII me a Iiar!
Come on, grab hoId of him!
WiII you guys get ahoId of them?
WiII you separate them?
Garret, come here.
Now get off him.

Get over here!
Now Ieave it aIone.
Just waIk away for once.
He ain't worth it.
Go on.
Didn't you see what he--?
Come on, easy.
-SettIe down, John.
-Go ahead, Garret.

-He ain't worth it.
-Let me go!

It's aII over.
Thought you wouIdn't come.
I came to say I'm not coming.
I didn't want to not show,
because I hate peopIe Iike that.
