Message in a Bottle

Carried her out.
She was gIad too.
He took care of her
the best he couId. . .

. . .for about a month, I guess.
And then. . . .

WeII, she just. . .
. . .gave out.
Now you know why Garret
don't taIk much.

Because his oId man never shuts up.
Can we eat now?
You ought to
knock down some waIIs.

It's getting too crowded in there.
Can't afford it.
Do the work ourseIves.
Just end up Iooking Iike a boat.
Add a deck.
A coupIe of rooms.
Why? You thinking about moving in?
Not in a miIIion years.
You'd Iike that though, wouIdn't you?

Keep your eye on me.
He's afraid I'm going to
go back to my oId habit.

Anybody want any cake?
I used to drink Iike a fish.
It ruined my heaIth.
It's no deep, dark secret.

WeII, it's no citizen award

Two beers a day, that's my Iimit.
Change the subject?
The subject is change.
PeopIe change.

Even you.
That is the subject.

Good dinner.
You were the best thing about it.
If I was about 1 50 years younger,
you'd be in troubIe, young Iady.

Where you going?
Taking my dessert on the beach.
He Iikes me.
WeII, he's a. . .
. . .good man.
