
Come on.
This one, Chris.

Come on.
God, you're ugly.
This one.
Monsieur, that is wrong, no?
Epaterla bourgeoisie?
[ Chris]
Excusez-moi, monsieur.

Mon ami et moi voudrions
coucher avec votre femme.
Sorry, old man?
Nous passerons donc
la culbuter samedi

à l'heure du thé?
Parlez-vous anglais?
Je crois pourvoir
vous aider.

Je vais traduire
la question.

The young man
wishes to know

if he mi ght come to tea
on Saturday afternoon

with a view
to mowing your lawn.
Merci, merci.
[ Toni and Chris Laughing]
[ Chris ]
Those silly games
we used to play.

[ Chris ]
Those silly games
we used to play.

What's so silly
about them? Huh?

I mean, all ri ght,
we were childish about it

but at least
we had the right idea

sticking one up
the bourgeoisie's

fat, complacent bum.
Yeah, those were great days,
weren't they?

Great. Come on, man,
you're talking

Iike it was
a hundred years ago.

It feels like it was.
Does it?
So when am I going
to meet this Kally, then?

We're having a party.

Why not come along?
Soon, yeah.
Just don't wear that.

I haven't been
to a party in ages.

You know what
it's like, having a kid.

No, I don't, actually.
So, are you in love
with her, then?

In love?
What's wrong with that?
Oh, come on.
It's just the way you say it.

I mean, what,
you sound like my dad.

Yeah. I mean, yeah
things are going
all right with Kally

I suppose, you know.
She's a smart girl.

You'll like her.
We have a non-monogamous
relationship, man.

Really? Christ.
Is she all right
about that?
