
[ Woman ]
The camera...

No more. No more.
[ Chris ]
You taught me
to say what I'm feeling.

Nowyou're blaming me
when I do.

You know...
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Yes, but I was teaching you
to be sincere, not cruel.

[ Marion ]

Ifyou're going
to look at dirty pictures

ofyour old girlfriends
at least have the style
to do it openly.

[ Woman ]
Sex with me
was always wonderful, Chris.

Betterthan it is now
with Marion.

No, that's not true.
That's just nostal gia.
you gave me
multiple orgasm every time.

Did I?
You never said.
You were
a fantastic lover.

[ Gasps Quietly]
Marion doesn't
appreciate you.

You might be right
about that.

[ Toni ]
Face it. You don't
desire her anymore.

No, I do.
Just not in the same way.
You never stopped
desiring me.
I didn't fall in love with you
either though, did I?

Are you sure?
Maybe you were just
too young to know.

Maybe you just lost
your nerve and ran back

to where you felt comfortable.
What do you mean?
I thought you came to Paris
to be an artist.

I did.
So what are you doing
ten years later

Iiving a mile
from where you grew up

doing a job you despise?
Face it, Chris...
you've become your parents.
That's not true.
Oh, yeah?
Why didn't you stay in Paris?
