
Oh, it's a good one.
My run!

God... Sorry.
Are you okay?
Pourquoi lesAnglais
sont-ils toujours si anglais?

Je suis venu ici
pour eviter tout ça.

I think the natives
are getting restless.

Why, what did he say?
Um, something unflattering
about the English, I think.

Ecoutez, ça va, allez faire
les idiots ailleurs.

Did you get
any of that?

Maybe he wants to take
our picture.

Do you think
he's putting on an act?

Do you think
he's English himself?

Are you?
[ Sighs ]
He certainly acts
like the real thing.

Well, speaking for myself
I could do with a vin rouge.
Any takers?

Come on.
Are you coming?
Why not?
Monsieur et madame.
So, why were you pretending
to be French, then?

Well, you know
the bloody English abroad--

they're always complaining,
aren't they?

It's always something.
It's either the food or the beer
or the terrible service.

"Oh, aren't
the Parisians rude?"

Or something like that.
I mean... and shouting.

As though that's going to make them
understood or something.

Why would I want
to be English?

Well, surely
there must be something

you like about us.
I can't think of anything.
Don't you miss home?
No, of course not.
