Mickey Blue Eyes

...lot number 277A...
...oil on canvas, signed by the artist:
The Road To Damascus
by Jonathan Graziosi.

This item...
...has a reserve of $50,000.
Fifty thousand, anyone?

Well, too bad. Thank you very much.
That concludes the business for--
Was that--?
We have $50,000.
Fifty thousand dollars.
Fifty-five, anyone?
All through. All done, then...
...at $50,000 to bidder number 235.
l believe that's a record
for a Graziosi.

Thank you very much, ladies
and gentlemen, and good night.

You snuck that last one in on me,
didn't you?

Yes, l'm afraid so. l'm sorry.
Do that more often.
Congratulations. Quite a painting
you have for yourself, sir.

Thank you. l appreciate that.
l'm sorry. Have we met somewhere?
l don't believe so.
But may l ask, do
either of you enjoy steak?

Very much so.
University and 9th.
l'm very proud of it.

You make me very proud
and Johnny very happy.
