Mickey Blue Eyes

My God! lt's out of control!
You can't control it!

Listen now. lt is not out of control.
l have to tell Gina.
Tonight is your last auction
of the season, right?

Just keep Gina away from there.
Go on your honeymoon.
When you come back,
everything will be taken care of.

l am not lying to Gina.
l have to tell her.

Michael, please.
Gina's happiness means more to me than
anything in the world. You know that.

lf you tell her now
that you already lied...

...it's all over.
Goddamn it!
This is your fault!
You know, l've been on your side
every step of the way.

lf you were a plumber,
would we be having this conversation?

Look at you!
Wait. Where's Ritchie?
What's the matter with you?
l don't know.
So are you guys busy tonight?
Actually, l'm gonna go to Michael's
big auction. You wanna come?

We should talk about that.
Tonight. l've been thinking about it.
You know, it's quite a big deal.

Morganson's gonna be there again...
...and l'm just afraid l might
get put off if you were there.

l know it sounds silly.
