Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr.

are generally
the same guards that have
dealt with that inmate...

for the last five,
ten, fifteen,
sometimes twenty years...

while the man
was on Death Row.

The warden
of the institution...

is, in many respects,
the surrogate father...

is, in many respects,
the surrogate father...

of the inmate
who's being executed.

He sees that inmate
maybe five or six times a week.

He's concerned
if the inmate is sick, if
the inmate doesn't feel well--

the general welfare
of the inmate.

Then, at the end of the time,
he must take that inmate out,

strap him into
his electric chair,
his gas chamber,

strap him into
his lethal injection machine...

or put a noose
around his neck.

Most people think
of a hardened criminal
and a murderer...

as someone who is in a cell
and gonna be executed,

but these people are really
no different than somebody
that we work with every day.

The only difference is,
the inmate doesn't go home
and the guard does.

And now, at the end of
this ten or fifteen-year cycle,

they now are faced with the task
of executing this man...

with equipment
that's defective,

with equipment
that's gonna cause pain.

Even with
a good execution...

you get some burning
at the electrodes.

It's a very
distasteful thing...

for the guard who
has to unstrap the inmate
from the electric chair...

after the execution.
Normally, if we think of a belt
with holes in it and the pin
that goes through the holes,

that guard has to then
compress all the flesh
and everything on the body.

It's oozing,
because it's been cooked.

He has to get the body fluids
on his hands.

With the equipment
we designed,

all of the straps
are instant-release.

They're the same
as the safety belts in your car.

You hit a button
and the strap opens.

Another thing that we do is,
our electric chair
contains a drip pan.
