Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr.

[ Reporter ]
As in most of
his public appearances,

Ernst Zündel arrived at court
surrounded by supporters
wearing hard hats.

They are bodyguards
for a man who says
the Holocaust is a myth...

and who's prepared to argue that
before a judge and jury.

Zündel is charged
under a rarely used section
of the criminal code...

that he published statements
he knew were false,

statements that could cause
racial intolerance.

Forty-five years
of undetermined hatred
is enough.

The Holocaust is nothing
but undetermined
hate propaganda...

posing as history.
l, with the help of my friends
from around the world,
Jews and gentiles,

am going to finish
the Second World War,
I guarantee you.

[ Zündel ]
We can solve the mystery
of the gas chambers...

in Auschwitz
and all these other places...

if we find
an American expert,

because America
is the only country that
dispatches people with gas.

You can't open up
the phone book and say "gas,"
then "chamber," then "experts,"

and out come
ten Fred Leuchters.

No, there's nobody.
Fred Leuchter
was our only hope.

[ Leuchter ]
We were married for less
than a month when we went.

Although she doesn't
like to hear it,

I normally tell her
that was her honeymoon.

That's not
a particularly good place
to go for a honeymoon, Poland.

Every American,
it would have done them good
to visit there.

Then they would have appreciated
what we've got here.
