Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr.

[ Man ]
Zündel is on trial
for publishing false history,

for publishing books
of Holocaust denial.

He needs to prove...
that what others see
as false history
is true history.

Fred Leuchter
is their trump card.

He will be the scientist...
who will reclaim
from those ruins...

evidence that killing
didn't happen there.

Holocaust denial, for me,
is so revolting,

and the way for me not to
immediately become sick...

of having to deal
with Leuchter...

was by saying,
"Okay, I'm going to
map his journey. "

I have a job to do,
and my job, my first job,

is to try to understand
where this guy was
at what time,

to take that tape and record
every camera angle--

where it was,
what piece of wall
they were looking at,

where he took the samples.
It was important to be able
to follow that trail
very, very precisely.

I wanted to see
how he had done it.
