Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr.

I didn't consider it
my honeymoon.
Let's put it that way.

I don't know that we ever
slept in the same bed
while we were there.

I try to forget
about going there.

[ Leuchter ]
I should note that
everything that was done,

was done
in the best possible taste,

understanding that these things
are national shrines
and national monuments.

The only thing that was
a little bit harrowing
or frightening...

is that I didn't want
to get caught.

Unfortunately, you have to
make a lot of noise when you're
chiseling brick out of walls.

[ Van Pelt ]
Auschwitz is like
the holy of holies.

I prepared years
to go there.

And to have a fool come in,
coming completely unprepared,
it's sacrilege.
Somebody who walks into
the holy of holies
and doesn't give a damn.

[ Leuchter ] I expected to see
facilities that could have
been used as gas chambers.

I expected to see areas
that were explosion-proof.

I expected to see areas
that were leak-proof.

There have to be holes in walls
or areas where they had
exhaust fans and pipes.

There has to be something
to remove the gas after
it's been put into the room.

There has to be
some kind of device
to heat the chalk pellets...

and sublimate the gas
to get it to go
into the air.
