Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr.

"Send immediately
ten gas detectors.

"Invoice us later.
Signed, Pollok,
S.S. Untersturmfuhrer."

" Auschwitz, 6 March, 1943.
Crematoria Two and Three.

"In accordance
with your suggestion,

"Cellar One
should be preheated.

" At the same time,
we would ask you to send
an additional quotation...

"for the air
extraction installation
in the undressing room.

S.S. Sturmundfuhrer Bishof. "
"31 March, 1943.
"Three gas-tight doors...
"have been completed.
"We remind you
of an additional order...

"for the gas door
for Crematorium Three.

"This must be made
with a spy hole...

"with double
eight-millimeter glass.

"This order
is particularly urgent.

S.S. Major Bishof. "

There was a code.
The Germans
had a coded language.

You never talk
about extermination.

You always talk about
"special action"...

or "special treatment. "
There was
a very clear policy.

Words like " gas chamber"
would not be used.

The letter of Bishof
of the 29th of January...
