Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr.

is a kind of exception
in this...

because it is a letter
which is written by a person who
manages the whole operation...

and who himself had established
a policy that you would never
use the words "gas chamber."

in the architecture office...

underlined the word

" gassing basement, "

and put on top a note--
"S.S. Untersturmfuhrer
exclamation mark. "

This means Kierschnecht
should be informed...

about this slip.
It doesn't occur after that.
The Nazis were the first
Holocaust deniers...

because they deny
to themselves...

that it's happening.
When my doubt
about the Holocaust
first came to me,

it took me
two and a half years.

I was like
a reforming alcoholic.

I was like one yo-yo...
back and forth--
believe, not believe;
maybe believe;
false belief;, true belief.

Fred was able
to purge his own mind...

within a matter of a week.
That's amazing to me.
So I said,
"Fred, what convinced you?"

He said, "Ernst,
it wasn't what I found.

"It's what I didn't find
that blew me away.

"It never, ever
occurred to me...

that a man could be convinced
by something that is not there. "

That's what Fred said.
[ Coughs ]
[ Leuchter ]
Before I went, I had no idea
of their purpose.

I just knew that
they were concentration camps.
