Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr.

If you would draw a map
of human suffering,

if you create the geography
of atrocity,

this would be
the absolute center.

Every year remains
of human beings are found.

Bones, teeth.
The earth doesn't rest.
[ Leuchter ]
What happened
in all of these facilities...

is undoubtedly a mystery.
Whether or not
these facilities
were used for gas execution--

That's not a mystery.
I don't believe they were.

Because in my best
engineering opinion,

I don't think
they could've been.

It's a tough job...
to execute several
hundred people at once.

We have a hard job
executing one man.

I think it would be easier
to shoot them or hang them.

I probably could do
a reasonably good job by
building a multiple gallows...

and hanging 50 people
at once.

I probably could execute
more people...

within a shorter time frame.
Why didn't they
just shoot them?
