
he meets Heidi,
and it's serious, immediate love.

In no time he's gone from the most beautiful
actress to the most gorgeous model.

What do you mean, "In no time"?
- Three or four issues.
- Weekly or monthly?

Monthly. God!
How shallow do you think Brad is?

Why do I waste my time
telling you this stuff?

Why do you think you tell me?
Don't do that thing. Please, I beg of you.
- That shrink thing.
- It's a big part of the show.

You really need to let people smoke in here.
It's perverse.

What do they pay you to see me?
School doesn't pay you? What deal is that?
- It's called pro bono.
- Pro boner?

There was this article my friends and I read.
It was "25 Signs He's Great in Bed".

- It was very fascinating.
- Where was this?

The "New York Times".
The first one was, he handles produce well.
Which we already knew.

- You have a lot of the signs.
- Been watching me in the supermarket?

Have women found you attractive?
I knew you wouldn't answer.
I've been thinking
about what you said the last time

about me trying to lose weight
and constantly not.

You said people would be happier
if they accept that some things don't change,

that it'd be some kind of a relief
or something.

Well, I guess I'm just a dumb bitch,
but how depressing is that moment?

The moment when you give up.
