My Son the Fanatic

She's wearing
the finest cut tonight,

cashmere, satin, silk.
Don't you just love the sound
of silk on skin, huh?

And her boots are shining.
I call her Puss-In-Boots now.
Why you come to our town, sir?

Oh, I wanted to try
a strange and awful place...

where everything was new to me.
- How is it?
- We'll see.

Tonight we will experience
Northern English culture.

Ah, we'll be in bed by 9:00 then.
- [Schitz] Come along, Parvez. Join us.
- Oh, no, sir.

I'll book you for the whole evening,
little man.

Thas right.
You got no choice.

[Man] My missus is going
through menopause.

You know, they get a bit silly
at that period.

She comes back
from the doctor's last week.

She's had the new lesbian operation:
A- Strap-a-dick-to-me.
Whas a-strap-a-dick-to-me?
Strap a dick to me.
Strap a dick to me?

Oh! He strapped
a dick to him.

Apparently it was just a spastic
trying to get to the bar for a drink.

Bettina, you have no idea
how relieved I am...

that the weight of drugs
have gone from my head.

But why has he never discussed
this new direction with me?

We all need something
to hold on to, don't we?

Hey! Somebody farted.
I can smell shit somewhere.

Hey, is Salman Rushdie himself.
What you're smelling here,
folks, is a satanic asshole.

If there's any of Rafsanjohnny's
mates in here,

slip me a tenner and
I'll shoot the bastard for ya.

[Crowd Laughing Uproariously]
If you fuckers all left town
on the same day, we'd have two
hours extra bleeding daylight.

- You know why the fuckers smell so bad?
- Piss off!
