Mystery, Alaska

Depends on rules.
We play four on four.
They play five on five.

Boards, offsides,
two-line passing.

Rules that keep everything bunched.
It's a different kind of game.

John, excuse me, but this game
is gonna be played on a pond.

- Hey, Chuck...
- One second.

Everybody here always says on a pond,
nobody beats us, right? Nobody.

Okay, well, you got a chance
to prove it now.

John, can we win?
Shooting, passing, stick handling...
The truth?

Except for Connor,
nobody here comes close.

Except for Connor,
nobody here comes close.

But on the pond,
black ice, wide open surface,
it's all about skating.

And we can skate.
Yeah, we can.
All right, man.

The New York Rangers
are professionals.

Two things we've always had
in Mystery:

Our dignity
and our illusions.

I suggest we cling to both.
Where's the dignity
in not trying?

I'll play those Rangers.
- I'm in.
- I'll play.

I'll beat 'em.
As mayor of Mystery, Alaska,
