Nadie conoce a nadie

Simón, what the fuck
were you looking for
in my desk?

-What's going on, Toad?

Are you going to explain?
What do you mean?
What did you do to Father Andrés?
Nothing. Let me go!
You're wrong, Simón.
l don't know what's wrong
with Father Andrés...

What's wrong?
He's fucking dead!

Why are you telling me?
Why? You knew l was going
to tell him,

and you got rid of him.
You're not well.
What does the story l found
in your room mean?

-Nothing. lt's a story.
-You mention Father Andrés!

So? l also say l killed my father
and that's not true.

Then why the fuck is the symbol
from the attack in my computer?

-Th symbol?
-The symbol from the cult.

l swear l don't know anything.
l was going to use it as part
of my novel.

l've only got the first chapter.
Toad! You use the same symbol
as the murderer.

A symbol nobody knows!
Can l show you something?
Let me go, please.

Let me go!
This book is practically
in any library.
The symbol appears
in many drawings

from the period,
not just that one.
