Nadie conoce a nadie

ls that you?
Don't worry.
Nobody will recognize you.

Hi. Leave a message
after the beep.

Simón, it's Ariadna.
Pick up if you're there.

l need to take a leak.
You're not there? Call me
when you get back. Bye.

lf l were you l'd stay in
a few days.

-Nobody knows about your novel?
-You didn't.

l was ashamed.
lt's well-written.
l didn't want to admit
that l was copying you.
-Does it hurt?

Don't worry about it.
Now l look more
Maybe l'll hit on

my new student.
She's beautiful.
We always talk about women.
What are friends for?
We are friends.
All right, sonny.
l'm going to bed.

Try and get some rest.
As you all know,
Good Friday is 2 days away.

That magical night,
where we will see a parade of

beautiful images like the
Virgin of the Five Afflictions,

or our Father Jesús del Perdón.
We'll also enjoy the shattering
''Piedad del Cautivo''.
