Never Been Kissed

´"All the world´s
a stage,

and all the men and women,
merely players.´"

Does anyone know what
Shakespeare meant by that?

It´s about disguise.
About playing a part.
And that´s the theme
of As You Like It.

Now, does anyone know
where we can see this?

Well, Rosalind disguises
herself as a man,

and then she escapes
into the forest.

Right. And it´s when
she´s in costume...

that she canfinally express
her love for Orlando.

See, the point Shakespeare
is trying to make...

is that when we´re
in disguise, we feel freer.

We do things we wouldn´t
do in ordinary life.

Brett, what happens when you
go out on a football field...

in uniform?
We kick ass!

You yell.
You hit people.

You touch other guys´ butts.
It´s OK, it´s OK
´cause you´re in uniform.

See, disguise
changes all the rules.

I tells you a story
My first season as a pee wee hockey
Well, honestly... I-I was terrible,
I couldn't stay, I was afraid... I was afraid to hit the head

My dad, my dad bougth me this brand new helmet...
sign by Gordie Howe
Come on guys... Gordie Howe!
Ok, he was like... like the Tiger Woods of hockey
Every time I'd put on this helmet... I mean... I'd feel invincible
I'd skied harder, I'd shaken people left and right

I'd even got out of a game once for fight
The point here is that disguise can be liberate,
can you get to do things that you never thougt possible
